Born 1954, Cleveland, Ohio, lives and works in New York City and Berlin. Attended Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, 1977, BFA; Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program, New York, 1978; California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California, 1979, MFA
Total Presence, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles
Walking in the City, Abattoir Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio (forthcoming)
John Miller & Mike Kelley, Galeria Nagel Draxler, Berlin, Germany
Video Art at Midnight, Babylon Kino, Berlin, Germany
Ruin of Exchange, Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland
Cavalcade of Brown, Trautwein Herleth, Berlin, Germany
Everything and More, Meyer Riegger, Berlin, Germany
Public Works, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany
Verisimilitude, Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck, Austria
New Horizon, Meliksetian Briggs, Dallas, Texas
Last Words (with Richard Hoeck), Magazin 4, Bregenz, Austria
Imaginary Interventions, Various Small Fires, Seoul, South Korea
Civic Center, Essex Street Gallery, New York
Public/Counter-Public, Kunsthalle Bielefeld
Egocentric Preserves, Galerie Johann Widauer
The Right Not to be Stared At or Examined, Praz-Delavallade, Los Angeles
Poverty, National Exemplar, Iowa City, Iowa
The Collapse of Neoliberalism, Metro Pictures, New York
An Elixir of Immortality, Schinkel Pavilon, Berlin
Mannequin Trilogy, 80 WSE, New York, New York
Other Subjectivities, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Berlin
The End of History, Meliksetian + Briggs, Los Angeles
Mark Dion, John Miller, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin, Germany
Almost There (with Aura Rosenberg), Teen Party, Brooklyn, New York
Comedy of Manners, Museum im Bellpark, Kriens, Switzerland
The Insanity of Place, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Germany
Walking in the City, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
The Dark Ages, Studio for Propositional Cinema, Düsseldorf, Germany
Hard Hat/Soft Hard Hat, Mannequin Death (with Richard Hoeck), Galerie Marc Jancou, Geneva
Mannequin Death (with Richard Hoeck), Metro Pictures, New York; Meliksetian/Briggs, Los Angeles
Relations in Public, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles
Paintings from the early 80's to the present, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe
Sex Appeal of the Inorganic (with Richard Hoeck), Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck
I Stand, I Fall, Institute of Contempoary Art, Miami, Florida
Here in the Real World, Metro Pictures, Mary Boone Gallery, New York
Open to All Ages and Ethnicities (with Takuji Kogo), NBK (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein), Berlin
Mannequin Death (with Richard Hoeck), Offsite, Rosinierre, Switzerland and Galerie Marc Jancou, Geneva, Switzerland
John Miller, Dominik Sittig, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne
Counter Publics, Campoli Presti, London
A Moveable Feast – Part XIII, Campoli Presti, Paris
Do It Again!, Meliksetian Briggs Gallery, Los Angeles
The Middle of the Day, Shoot the Lobster, Martos Gallery, New York
Subjective Monuments, Marc Jancou Contemporary, Geneva
The Grotesque, Kubus, Vienna
Social Portraits, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe
The Petrified Forest, Galerie Praz-Delavallade
Something for Everyone,(with Richard Hoeck), MJBriggs/Anna Meliksetian Gallery, Los Angeles
New Realities, Patrick Painter Gallery
Suburban Past Time, Metro Pictures
The Wolfgang Hahn Prize, Museum Ludwig, Köln
The Totality of Everything That Actually Exists, Galerie Barbara Weiss
Dan Graham, John Miller, Christine Mayer, Munich
The Grotesque, Galerie Johann Widauer
A Holiday in Other People’s Misery, Galerie Christian Nagel
The Natural Order, Patrick Painter Gallery, Los Angeles
Kunsthalle Zurich
11 Sessions (with Karin Schneider and Matt Keegan), Orchard 47, New York
John Miller, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe
Is That All There Is?, Sutton Lane, London
Camouflage on a Mannequin (with Richard Hoeck), Michael Hall Contemporary Art, Vienna
Back to the Garden, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris
The New Honeymooners, Metro Pictures & Friedrich Petzel Gallery
The Middle of the Day (online), Jeffrey Charles/Henry Peacock
Michael Hall Contemporary Art, Vienna
Something for Everyone (with Richard Hoeck), Jeffrey Charles/ Henry Peacock, London
Total Transparency, Metro Picture
Something for Everyone (with Richard Hoeck), Engholm Engelhorn Galerie, Vienna; Galerie Hans Widauer, Innsbruck; cable tv broadcast (CAC TV), Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
Plakat (poster project with Richard Hoeck), Kunstraum Innsbruck
The Middle of the Day, Galerie Barbara Weiss
Praz-Delavallade, Paris
Total Transparency, Richard Telles Fine Arts
Everything Is Painted Brown, Metro Pictures
493 KB From the Administered World, Jeffrey Charles Gallery, London
A Mutually Beneficial Encounter, Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln
Everything Is You, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris
Ich (36/175/74), Meyer Riegger Galerie
Deliveries in Rear, Kunst., Tiroler Sparkasse, Innsbruck, Austria
Double Date, Galerie Barbara Weiss
Consolation Prize (with Mike Kelley), the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Pilot, Richard Telles Fine Arts, Los Angeles
The Middle of the Day, Art + Public, Geneva, Switzerland
Parallel Economies, Le Magasin, Centre National d¹Art Contemporain de Grenoble, France;
travelled to the Kunstverein in Hamburg, Germany
Pillars of Salt, Galerie Barbara Weiss
Hard Hat (with Richard Hoeck), Kunst-Werke Berlin, Germany
No Place to Hang Your Hat
(with Richard Hoeck), Kunstraum Hans Widauer, Innsbruck;Turin
Bienniale, Turin, Italy
The Lugubrious Game, Meyer Reigger Galerie, Karlsruhe
Opposite Day, Metro Picture
For the Good Times, Richard Telles Fine Arts
Low Noon, Galerie & Edition Artelier, Graz, Austria (with Richard Hoeck); Kunst ohne Unikat,
steirischer herbst, Neue Galerie Graz; Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon
White Studies, Kunsthalle Wein, Vienna, Austria (with Richard Hoeck); Vorarlberger Kunstverein, Bregenz, Austria
Alive with Pleasure (digital projections), Candy Factory, Yokohama, Japan
John Miller: Painting and Sculpture, P.S. 1, Long Island City, New York
"A Trail of Ambiguous Picture Postcards," Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu Project Gallery, Tokyo (cat.)
Richard Telles Fine Arts
The Middle of the Day, Kunstburo, Museum fur Literatur am Oberrhein, Karlsruhe, Germany
Field Manual for a Tautology, Galerie Thomas Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany
Homage an Karl May, Galerie Barbara Weiss
The Middle of the Day, Metro Pictures
The Middle of the Day, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin
Galerie Rizzo
Richard Telles Fine Arts, Los Angeles
The Long March, the Narrow Road, Metro Pictures
Art & Public, Geneva
Galerie Rizzo, Paris (with Michael Jenkins)
Museum Robert Walser, Hotel Krone, Gais, Switzerland
"Rock Sucks/Disko Sucks," daadgalerie, Berlin; Bruno Brunnet Fine Arts, Berlin
Laboratorium Gallery, Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Jablonka Galerie, Cologne
Roy Boyd Gallery, Santa Monica, California
Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Galerie Isabella Kacprzak, Cologne
Standard Graphik, Cologne
...But the Flesh is Weak, Metro Pictures
Metro Pictures, New York
Galerie Sophia Ungers, Koln (with Jennifer Bolande)
American Fine Arts Co., New York
Metro Pictures, New York
Rosamund Felsen, Los Angeles
Metro Pictures, New York
Rosamund Felsen, Los Angeles
Metro Pictures, New York
"Recent Work," The Kitchen, New York
White Columns, New York